Congreso Internacional en Alta Tensión y Aislamiento Eléctrico - ALTAE 2009, Medellín (Colombia). 23-27 noviembre 2009
The maintenance strategies of power transformers in many utilities still only consist in periodic inspections in which different traditional diagnostic methods are used for the detection of abnormal conditions. However, at the present there are new opportunities and technological solutions that can also be used as part of the maintenance strategy of the utilities, such as on-line condition monitoring systems and modern diagnostic tools. In this work the traditional and modern diagnostic methods as well as to on-line monitoring are interrelated in the context of an asset management model.
Fecha de publicación: 2009-11-23.
J.L. Velásquez Contreras, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, S. Galceran Arellanos, C. Vásquez, Monitoring and Diagnosis of Power Transformers in the context of an Asset Management Model, Congreso Internacional en Alta Tensión y Aislamiento Eléctrico - ALTAE 2009, Medellín (Colombia). 23-27 noviembre 2009.